Caledon Future Stars Program Free Demo

The Baseball Zone » Caledon Future Stars Baseball Demo

Want to Discover How Future Stars Can Transform You into a Better Player? Try a Free Demo Session.

Fall 2023 CALEDON Future Stars Demo Day
NEW DEMO NIGHT Thursday, September 21: 6 pm – 9 pm

We are so confident in our program and its results that we take the guesswork out of it for you. Try a session, no cost, no obligation, and then you decide for yourself.

In Your Free Future Stars Session, You Will

  • Start with Speed & Agility training (1st hour).
  • Then The Baseball Zone’s coaching staff will lead position-specific baseball instruction.
  • In the end, we’ll give you all the information on the full program and answer any questions.
  • Take the first step towards becoming the baseball player you want to be.

If You Join the Future Stars Program, You Will

  • Be part of a competitive environment with great camaraderie.
  • Gain increased competence in your skills, attitude, and understanding of the game.
  • Become a better player, student, and overall person with an increased focus on process and long-term goals.
  • Come away with an even GREATER love of baseball.

If you would like to book a Free Demo, please fill out the form on this page, and we will set you up on a date that is convenient for you!!

*NOTE: Our development program session is NOT for casual players. This is only for players who eat, drink and sleep baseball*

Book a Free Demo

"*" indicates required fields
